Artículos de URH Especialistas en Fertilidad

Embryo adoption to become a mother is possible in Spain. We explain here   the most common reasons leading to choose this treatment as first or last option to form a family.
Autora: URH Especialistas en Fertilidad
Embryo donation: Couples who opt to receive donated embryos want to know who the donors are, their motivation, and requirements to be able to donate.
Autora: URH Especialistas en Fertilidad
Endometriosis is present in 25-50% of patients with difficulty getting pregnant and in 10-15% of women in fertile age. Diagnosis and early treatment are essential to increase the likelihood of pregnancy.
Autora: URH Especialistas en Fertilidad
Egg and sperm donation are anonymous in Spain. Although open donation systems may appear to be very beneficial, the reality is that many problems may occur.
Autora: URH Especialistas en Fertilidad

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