Psycological Consultation

All the support that you might need

The psychological consultation on fertility treatments is meant to help manage all kinds of emotions  on the path to be parents .

The psychological consultation is especially indicated:

  • When there arise  doubts regarding treatment or motherhood, fears, insecurities, anxiety or stress . All these emotions are normal both before and during assisted reproduction treatments. It is frequent to have to face negative results (with spontaneous attempts of pregnancy or with treatments) before achieving the objective. It is important to be prepared for it, to have the necessary peace of mind, and to maintain the strength to insist and thus reach the desired pregnancy.
  • When it is necessary to use : use of donor gametes (ovules o semen) . That is, in the ovodonación , in the  artificial insemination with donor semen . or in the embriodonación . In these cases, doubts arise about how to handle this situation both before and after pregnancy. Accepting the use of alien gametes, renouncing one’s genes to have children is not an easy task. This decision requires a psychological work that will help not only to accept the reasons that lead to this treatment, but to create the conditions that allow the development of the children born with the necessary naturalness and love.
  • After an abortion , to overcome as soon as possible and in the most balanced way the loss and to elaborate a correct duel. The feeling of loss, the sadness, that produces an abortion, is always complex to manage, but it is even more so when it happens after months of waiting and treatments. In most cases, abortions suppose a stop on the road to success. It is important to recover in order to continue.

In the psychological consultation they will help you to use your own psychological weapons to face all these situations. You can also access the latest techniques in fertility, such as Clinical Hypnosis .

We are here to help you achieve your goal of being a parent and celebrate together! Count on our support and accompaniment!.

Request an appointment.
Send us this form with your appointment preferences (dates and time slots), and we will call you to confirm it. If you prefer to be contacted by email, please indicate this in the comments. Thank you very much.

Demande un rendez-vous.

Envoyez-nous ce formulaire avec vos préférences pour le rendez-vous (dates et plage horaire), et nous vous appellerons par téléphone pour le fixer. Si vous préférez que nous vous contactions par e-mail, veuillez l’indiquer dans les commentaires. Merci beaucoup.


Envíanos este formulario con tus preferencias para la cita (fechas y franja horaria) y te llamaremos por teléfono para concertarla. En caso de que quieras que te contactemos por e-mail indícanoslo en los comentarios. Muchas gracias.