Blood Tests

fertility study

Hormones that reflect your fertility

The basic fertility study includes, in women, a determination of the hormones that regulate or reflect the ovarian function and reserve. These can be carried out between days 3 and 5 of the cycle (considering the first day of the cycle the one with red and heavy bleeding), if we are looking for FSH, LH and estradiol levels; or any day of the cycle, if we ask for the AMH (antimullerian hormone). It is also necessary to investigate the thyroid function (with the TSH) and the PRL (Prolactine) levels, as an alteration could affect the ovulation and the pregnancy development.

serology is asked from both members of the couple to rule out infectious diseases like hepatitis, rubella, toxoplasm…

In the case of repeated miscarriagestests for acquired or hereditary thrombophilia that study coagulation problems, cariotypes to diagnose genetic problems and other blood tests are asked for.

There is no need to ask for an appointment to do the blood tests. They can be done Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., except genetic tests that have to be performed from 8:00 to 12:00. The results are available within a week, except for genetic tests that can take from 3 to 4 weeks.

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