International patients

To help you feel at home

If you live abroad, you can contact us by phone or e-mail (we will answer in less than 24 hours).

We would like to see you for your first consultation so that we get to know each other and you visit our clinic but, if it is impossible for you to come, we can also do the first consultation by video conference (Skype or WhatsApp). In both cases you will need to ask for an appointment and, if you are a couple, it is convenient that both of you are present, and you have with you information on any previous tests or treatments. In consultation you will find that our doctors and embryologists are fluent in English. You will have a telephone number available if you are in need of assistance during your visit or treatment.

Phone number: 0034 91 7401690
From Monday to Friday 8.00-20.00

E-mail adress:

Demande un rendez-vous.

Envoyez-nous ce formulaire avec vos préférences pour le rendez-vous (dates et plage horaire), et nous vous appellerons par téléphone pour le fixer. Si vous préférez que nous vous contactions par e-mail, veuillez l’indiquer dans les commentaires. Merci beaucoup.


Envíanos este formulario con tus preferencias para la cita (fechas y franja horaria) y te llamaremos por teléfono para concertarla. En caso de que quieras que te contactemos por e-mail indícanoslo en los comentarios. Muchas gracias.